Monday, December 21, 2009
Avatar: A hype or, a true revolution?
Oh, it's a visual feast. The 3d experience is immersive. And for the entire length of 3 hours you feast in the vivid colours of Pandoran world, where the battle between good(US Co) and evil( native Na'vi) takes place, all over a mineral (unobtanium) which sells at $20 million a kilo. You get to see some new creatures, not created by God, but by a man, using the tools of computer generated scenery. About 70% of the movie is entirely the work of computers, and was shot in the same hanger where Howard Hughes ( Recently played by Leonardo Di Caprio in some movie) built his mammoth planes.
But in these past five days, not once have i thought about Avatar. Never has any character made any impression in my mind- i am niether happy, nor sad about the movie. And that is puzzling to me. To see the biggest film in history and not be excited or swayed by it, means only one thing to me- IT WAS CRAPPY. The visual effects may have been great, but it was devoid of that extra something that makes a movie great, a soul sort of...It was a soulless movie, full of technical perfection, but devoid of a compelling story.Maybe Cameron has saved it for the following two sequels to it.
It is likely to be a mega took second highest opening in US history despite half the county keeping away from it (due to blizzard); and it has recuperated about $230 million from worldwide audiences in just these five days. A great flawed movie, lacking a soul!
Copenhagen Accord: A dissapointing beginning to combat climate change
A non binding agreement for efforts towards reducing the global temperature by two degrees Celsius. A $30 billion loan over the next three years to developing countries for mitigating the effects of climate change, and a proposal to grow the kitty to $100 billion by 2020? or 2050?
Naah! the talk's a failure according to me. It was just a conference to convene another conference in November next year to be held at Mexico. The merry go round continues... Better they come out with an alternative before Kyoto expires(in 2012 actually).
Google Universe ( Fastflip, Android, Navigation, Goggles & Gphone)
Android was another offering from the stable of Google.A free source operating system for mobiles, it has got a decent success. The motorola droid in US(running android) has become quite a success.And with HTC, samsung and LG also in line to launch phones with android, it looks that it will pick up momentum and will pretty soon have developers joining in the bandwagon.
Then came the time for offering a navigation feature on the mobiles. Though this feature is available in all it's glory only in the US, this was a great offering where you could do a voice search for a location, and the mobile would guide you turn by turn using the built in voice guidance system. When other companies would charge a hefty fee for the same feature, Google decided to provide the feature free in keeping up with it's ideology, "Don't be evil".
Now comes the next major evolution on Google's part, a technology from the future. Now you can just capture any image from your camera phone and do a google search on that image. A small part of the augmented reality program where the internet and real life mesh together, it's only a beginning, but a beginning no doubt. One can imagine that google will keep pace with the technological development and will soon attach it's massive database in meaningful ways to the real life.The above two services as expected were designed with the android mobile operating system kept in mind.
Now comes the most controversial aspect of the equation- a phone bearing the brandname of google. It seems that google has supplied mobile phones to all it's employees, in a process called "dogfooding" , to test the phone. There's no official confirmation with regards to the launch of the phone, but details have started emerging. It's codenamed Nexus One and is made by HTC according to Google'd hardware specifications. And no prizes for guessing that it runs the latest operating system( Android 2.1).According to Gartner smart phones will outsell laptops this yearr & will generate more revenue($192bn) than laptops ($152bn) by 2012.And it looks like google has set it's sights on this market.Here are some photos:

There are reports that the phone is fast to operate and comes with an OLED screen with the same size as motorola droid.While it is a multi touch smartphone, still pinch to zoom features do not seem to work in this regard. Now how & whether google will launch the phone can be left on the shoulders of time only. But it is an interesting news. Wait for the next article on Google's next product: Chrome OS for net & notebooks.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
New Issue of Class Magazine
Heartfelt thanks to the team samwad. Ankit Gupta as usual did a brilliant job of designing the magazine. What next?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Latest Telecom Figures: September(end) 2009
The number of subscribers crossed 500 million. The wirline subscribers continue to drop, as almost everyone is jumping on the wireless bandwagon. The subscriber base stood at 509 million, with 471 million wireless subscribers and 37 million odd wireline subscribers. Should wireline services be delegated to second place? Or should government try even harder to work on it? Atleast the market forces have spoken out loud for the death of wireline services. Let's see at what stable figure it settles.
The overall teledensity ( which is number of phones per hundred persons) reached a overall high of 43.50. This when it reached double digit only towards the end of September 2005. The figures mentioned in the telecom policy of 1999 have been fulfilled with a year to spare. What a success story!
Tata (26.7%), Bharti(16.8%) & Reliance(13.4%) had the lion's share of 15 million additions this month.
The rural density figure stood at 16.5(march, 2009) and the urban teledensity at 88.5(march 2009). This shows that companies have no option but to go to rural areas in search of the numbers- at least to the thickly populated rural areas. The size of India may put off some operators but it's high population density(393persons/ sq km) should see it through.
The urban centers would most probably see the shift towards VAS, with data services making up for the lost revenue. But what about rural areas? Will they also see VAS? Or services like GPRS, 3G, Mobile banking?? Who knows? The future is too much in flux, especially in the case of Indian telecom market!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Laws of the World ( Special emphasis on technology )
Moore's Law : This is supposedly the most publicized law. Founder of Intel, the semiconductor giant, Mr Gordon Moore postulated that computing power doubles every eighteen months. This has remained true till now, but is showing signs that it may not survive the decade.
Amara's Law : we tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.
Dunbar's Number : Tells us that we are human after all. We can atmost handle 150 active connections. That's the number of social relationships that the average person can effectively maintain before he/ she becomes overloaded.
Hawthorne effect : More to the point of human psychology, it states that subjects in a setting will improve aspects of their behavior being experimentally measured simply in response to the fact that they are being studied.
Hoteling's Law : Says that it's natural and rational for businesses to make their products as similar as possible. It holds true in the internet era also. For any company that moves toward aggregating ( innovate – proliferate – aggregate) stands a good chance to reap the profits.
- Jakob's Law : "users spend most of their time on other sites", and so you must be there too.
Pareto Principle: 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Originally stated for the manufacturing industry, the 80/20 principle has found to have held true across various situations.
Sarnoff's law : The value of a broadcast network is proportional to the number of viewers. Though it looks self evident, it's truthfulness holds true in the modern era when the communication has become two way ( Company to user & user to company )
Network Effect : When a product or service has more value the more that other people have it too. A phenomenon seen now days with facebook. The more value and more people it acquires, the more the number that want to join it.
Principle of least effort : The simpler( and easier) the solution, the more the people will like it. People tend to use the most convenient method, in the least exacting way available.
Gilder's law : This states that network bandwidth triples every 18 months.
Rule 34 : "If it exists, there is porn of it." Also Rule 35: "If no such porn exists, it will be made."
Pommer's Law : A person's mind can be changed by reading information on the internet. The nature of this change will be from having no opinion to having a wrong opinion.
The law of exclamation : The more exclamation points used in an email (or other posting), the more likely it is a complete lie. This is also true for excessive capital letters.
Metcalfe's Law : Metcalfe said the usefulness of a network improves by the square of the number of nodes on the network. i.e The Internet, like telephones, grows more valuable as more join in.
Wriston's law : Capital (meaning both money and ideas), when freed to travel at the speed of light, "will go where it is wanted, stay where it is well-treated...." By applying Wriston's Law of capital and talent flow, one can predict the fortunes of countries and companies.
Ogilvy's Law : If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.
Drucker's Law : You will achieve the greatest results in business and career if you drop the word "achievement" from your vocabulary. Replace it with "contribution" .
Technology is not a panacea.
Nobody believes that anything bad can happen to them, until it does.
- Eternal vigilance is the price of security.
Credit Crisis ( A nice video)
The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Trip to Global Vipassana Pagoda ( or, Golden Pagoda, Mumbai)
Human will is superior to all things, this was what was going on in my mind after seeing the work of art that is golden pagoda. A structure constructed out of gratitude to Buddha and his teachings,it is a modern day marvel. The structure is build so that it stands the test of time for atleast a thousand years. Imagine the sheer magnificance of dream, and it's implementation.
This symbol of peace and harmony was inaugerated by the president of India in february 2009. Though the work is still not complete, it's grandeur is something worth seeing. Situated at Gorai Island in mumbai, beside the esselworld and water kingdom, this monument is build out of stones, each weighing about 600 - 700kgs,coming from the quarry's of Jodhpur (Rajasthan). The idea of interlocking stone pieces was suggested by Mr. Chandubhai Sompura, and the work started in earnest in 2000.
For reaching the center one has to get down at Borivali station, situated on the western line of local railways. The local railway on the western line has got a train every few minutes. After getting down one should come out on the west side. From here you can either take a bus ( Rs 5 ticket) or auto ( Rs 22) to Gorai Bay. From Gorai bay one has to take a ferry. The services are run by Esselworld and a round trip ticket costs Rs 35. The ferry trip takes 15-20 minutes to reach the island. One can see the pagoda from the gorai bay itself. After alighting at the island one can walk down to the pagoda following the signages placed there.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Trip to Elephanta Caves
Elephanta caves are situated at a distance of about 11 kms from mumbai. The approach is by ferry only and it takes about an hour to reach Elephanta from Gateway of India.The fare is Rs 120 for the whole journey. It is another matter though that you are required to pay Rs 10 for toy train ride ( about 200 meters); Rs 10 as tax ( Rs 250 for foreign tourists); and Rs 5 as some other charge. So the total cost works out to be Rs 145 for the whole trip.
The journey starts from Gateway of India and ferry's are available quite frequently. The ride from Gateway to Elephanta is quite smooth, and the scenery that greets you en route is beautiful. You get to see the skylines of Mumbai and plethora of ships moored on the sea.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Finding Balance
Friday, October 16, 2009
In Bible it is written that a tree is known by the fruit it begets. And it is generally assumed that all religions work towards the same goal : to bring out the inherent divinity within. To give him mental strength, to give peace, to provide a meaning to life. Then why is it that the religious followers are in many cases perpetuating violence in the name of religion? That they become so narrow minded that see all other religions as false. That instead of love and compassion for the fellow human human beings they are filled with greed and hatred. Oh it is also written that judge not one for the faults of many. But why not? Why do we have to follow everything blindly, as supposed words of God, instead of having a open, questioning outlook. Only those afraid of their faults will stifle questioning. Questioning pushes the boundaries, and anything which does not evolve with time, is in the danger of being done away with by nature. Why not judge the religion itself for the faults of many of it's adherents? After all once the critical mass is reached, it becomes a self perpetuating reaction. Once a critical mass of bad apples is reached, they would start poisoning the environment around them.
Who is to judge what is right or wrong in case of religion? The society, the leader, the interpreter, or we the common people? Indians celebrate the mother aspect of creation most prominently. They worship her in the form of Bhavani, Durga, and thousands of more names through out the country. Then why is the condition of females deplorable in the country? Why are their rights not equal? Why are womens looked down upon, many times mere victims of past traditions than anything else. Why is it that only when she bears a male child (this is changing) and becomes a Mother that her status improves to a certain extent. Gita says follows your own Dharma ( SwaDharma), the one according to your nature, the one you are born into. Why?? You say do your work, don't be attached, don't expect any fruits, don't change your Dharma. Why?? otherwise you will not attain salvation. You will go to hell. And this when God is supposed to be all loving, all compassion, all merciful!
A few cartoons could blow up the sentiments of the whole of one community. Why?
A tree is indeed known by the fruit it begets. So which religion should one follow. From my childhood I have been attracted to all the religions at the intellectual level, but none at the faith level. I found them a bit too strong, a bit too thirsty to my liking. I always maintained my distances from the religions. I have searched for what is good and tried to follow that, and left out the parts that i could not sympathize with. I always felt that " religion existed for me, and not I for the religion." And so i have felt the ridicule sometimes, of my elders. But i am happy with my decision and i am willing to live with that. No single religion envelopes me, i owe my allegiance to all the philosophies, all the religions, all the ways to lead life. I refuse to be bound down by dogmas.I am free. I am He. I Am.
So imagine my surprise when i read similar thoughts portrayed by Sw Vivekananda. Here is what he said:
" If you want to be religious, enter not the gates of any organised religions. they do a hundred times more evil that good, because they stop the growth of each individual's development. Study everything, but keep your seat firm....[As] the bee culling honey from many flowers remains free, not bound by any flower, be not bound .......[ Religion] is only between you and God, and no third person must come in between you. Think what these organised religions have done! What Napoleon was more terrible than these religious persecutions?...better die working your own natural religion than following another's natural religion, however great it may appear to you."
And "...there have been more Gods than human beings; and yet no help. We die like dogs- no help. Everywhere beastliness, famine, disease, misery, evil! And all are crying for help. But no help. And yet hopeing against hope, we are still screaming for help..... Do not seek help from anyone. We are our own help..... Stand up and be strong! No fear. No superstition..."
In the movie kingdom of heaven, towards the end when he surrenders, the hero asks Sallauddin, as to what did Jerusalem mean to him. And he answers :
" Nothing" and starts walking away. Suddenly he turns, and says:
That is what religion means to me.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
And the Nobel Peace Prize goes to.... Obama!!!
Not that i am a great reader of who would be the peace prize winner, but the winner of this year's nobel peace prize is a man apart.Never has the world seen a messenger of hope of such magnitude. In this modern era of telecommunications and internet, hardly would anyone not heard of "YES WE CAN", or "Change We Can Believe In", or ""I’m asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington . I'm asking you to believe in yours." and the sublime message, "Change in America doesn't start from the top down. It starts from the bottom up."
That he is a great orator, a great motivated leader, and an agent of change in America is a well known fact; but I am willing to bet that not many would know that he played a "more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting" , apparantly the reason why got the Nobel peace prize. Looks like he swayed the Nobel committee with his message of hope too!
Here is what Obama had to say about the announcement on twitter :
And a search result for the trending topic ( President Obama or #Obama) showed:
- 2009 - Barack Obama
- 2008 - Martti Ahtisaari
- 2007 - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Al Gore
- 2006 - Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank
- 2005 - International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei
- 2004 - Wangari Maathai
- 2003 - Shirin Ebadi
- 2002 - Jimmy Carter
- 2001 - United Nations, Kofi Annan
- 2000 - Kim Dae-jung
Here's looking at you, Mr Obama!
Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.
Jawaharlal Nehru
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Few thoughts on Life!
What is it about life that keeps about half of the world's population living below poverty line? What is it that motivates him to live a life full of disgrace & depravity; of a life which is more full of things that he didn't have, rather than what he had; a life whose only existence seems to be acknowledged by the descendents that he leaves. Maybe it is the reason why poor produce so many children. So that they survive. In someone's dream. That they be recognized at some point of time. I would derive my support from Darwin, for only the fittest survive. And in this unequal world, where there is always a battle for life and resources being fought between the rich and the poor, the rich have the upper hand by controlling resources and having oodles of money. The only thing that poor can have is numbers, and they do that. They believe in numbers.For the entire history of the earth, they were never once victorious. But a man by the name of Jesus promised them that their time will come, that " poor shall inherit the earth". And so was born the religion, the so called "opiate of the masses". Still the game didn't change, and it never will as long as there is hope. Hope seems to be the biggest harvester of souls, keeping billions of people in its fold, never letting them go, whether generations come or go!
"A life well lived", will read the epitaph of many. What is life? and what is well lived? Is it merely the act of living, going from one tragedy to another, bound in the chains of hope, or religion? Or is it earning money? Or raising children so that you create someone in your image too? So that for once in your life you can play God?
Or giving service to society? or earning name and fame? Or a mixture, or summation of all these and other factors?
I have come to like Nietzsche's saying, " God is dead". But for me it goes a step beyond. He never was alive.He never was. It was always we. We humans! We see humans every where yet do not believe in him, and God nowhere, yet (try to )see him everywhere. This is a sign of dementia in the masses. And this coupled with hope will continue taking their toll till man comes to realize that he is the maker of his own destiny. That he can do what he desires. That he has infinite potential. And the only purpose of life is to realise that potential. The realization is an arduous journey, and in the course of that journey life happens!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
5th october, 2009
Today after getting up early, i started for the college for the reading room of college is a good place for studying. So hardly had i taken a few steps out of the hostel when i saw a rare sight:
Friday, October 2, 2009
The Class magazine ( read Imagine )
Issuu is a wonderful platform to publish as well as read magazines. The biggest plus point is that you get to read a magazine like a magazine and not like some pdf file. It is still a upstart but the concept is amazing. Let's see if they can monetize their offering!
Well back to the magazine! It sometime happens that a work is done on it's own. Havn't we all had a feeling when everything happens at its own accord, ( situations happen, ideas arise, one thing leads to another) and we merely play a part. Such was the case with this magazine also. We did not do any brainstorming. Just a casual chat led to the designing of logo ( it is good )- the only thought behind it was that it should look good and embrace the colors of our batch : peppy, full of zest, and with an ambition to rule the world. Similarly the cover design. At first we had decided to bring out an issue with ideas as the central theme, but our talk all of a sudden came to stop on dreams, since placements would soon start and everyone would have started some sort of dreaming. So now we had been struck on what cover page should we choose. This was on 29th evening if I remember it right. So when i came back to my hostel, i was thinking all kinds of thoughts ( like showing a dark cover with a shard of light, showing a person's brain, show him standing, show him sleeping, show him staring upwards, show the back of a hand and what not ). It was only my failure to come out with any tangible solutions that led me to decide that we should leave the cover blank. Well our dreams are like that...blank...We can dream whatever we feel like.
But then a thought started that i should write dream in the centre...and before long it converted to Martin Luther's " I have a Dream". The original name thought out was Idea, then Imagine ( Innovation and design is the buzzword in management college these days, and so we were struck in a rut. While writing Imagine, i accidently put a dot after i. This led to its name becoming to show that we are from the class of eBiz and we live and breathe internet. The last e of the imagine had to go ( in could stand for India; mag is magazine; and i is internet, innovation, information, Individual : Oh how easy it is to do post facto analysis!)
It was on the first of october ( towards evening ) that an idea came to ask everyone what their dream was...and so sms was send to everyone asking them about their dreams. And it was heart warming to see the messages start arriving, and a bit disappointing that only 40 percent of the people thought about it. But it gelled beautifully with the final magazine ( we filled two sidebars with it! Now only if the people were more candid! ). The whole magazine was designed from scratch and made coherent whole by Ankit who worked the whole night trying different colour combinations and designs. It was fun passing the magazine in different stages, to and fro, among our council members. It was towards the morning that we decided to call it a day and leave 2-3 articles ( for today the attention span is getting shorter, and we did not want it to be a heavy read) out of the magazine.
To generate participation from our class we have instituted two quizzes ( Management & Stereo gram) , One caption contest and an online poll. We have decided to give away prizes also. Let's see if it works!
The experience on working for the magazine was wonderful and it did teach me a few things. One was delegation of work works wonderfully if you give your team members full freedom. Two, you should be flexible to let things take there own course ( with a firmness of vision ) and three, passion for work does wonderful things to you.
So this issue is behind us now. It is soon going to be history. Another day gone, yet many more days to come! I have been falling back on writing my diary entries, but i guess, i should not sweat over it. They will get written when they are meant to- just like the magazine. We indeed are actors on the stage called life! Oh! how right the master writer Shakespeare was!