Friday, May 10, 2013

Two Years...

It's been two years since i wrote last. I guess i should have a lot more to write now for the two year sabbatical should do one good. Yet I find no ideas to write about- It's as if life has gone through a vacuum where the fate has just changed the dates with no change in the character. Haven't you gone through such feeling where time flies by but you have no major recollection, no memories? 

Life has been kind, with many happy moments inter-spread in between not so happy ones. The period has seen a change in my living city- I have moved from Mumbai to Delhi. Each city has its own unique soul, its own language, weather, people and ways. I had thought that Delhi would be easy after living in Mumbai... Yet it is a different experience. For one I am happy that I can manage to stay in an independent house with nice gated community (unlike a flat in Mumbai). And I am sad that I can't take the 24 hr electricity or life guaranteed ( NCR). 

I do hope that I get into groove and start writing again- for it is the only occasion when one gets to sit alone with himself and have internal dialogue. The rest of the time is spent chasing one thing or the other.


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