Monday, January 19, 2009

Five Things To Watch Out For In 2009

It's 2o'clock in the night now and I am on the 19th day of breaking my new year resolution : Sleep early,Wake up early.The resolution flows from attending vedanta classes.Well more on that in the next blog...
So at this godforsaken hour, the idea about what would be the five things to watch out for came.So here is the list.
1. T-Mobile G1
We all know that google reinvented the internet.Without it our life would have been as barren as its homepage.Later it came out with maps,earth,videos,youtube etc.It has not shied away from experimenting and is now working towards cloud computing,where everything would be online barring that notebook or netbook of yours.
So it was in the gradual evolution of google that mobile operating system came about.It's ANDROID platform is an open source work unlike the other 2-Symbian from nokia and Microsoft's mobile windows.So it promises a lot of content to be developed at an exponential rate.

The Mobile running the android o/s is a sleek one and has a plethora of features:
Touch screen, full qwerty keyboard,3.2 MP camera,1 touch google search , google apps,
3G, WI-FI, you tube, email,customizable home screen.
I, for one am looking forward to its launch in India.Its cheap and is only going to get better.

2. N 97

The grand daddy of all cellular companies has come out with another great product.just when you thought that N95 was the perfect convergence device. I fear that Nokia may fall to its own pace of introducing innovation for moore's law ain't for the mobile industry.Any way this for now looks the ultimate dream machine.

This is a touch screen offering from nokia with full qwerty keyboard, 32GB yes u're reading it right,of space(16 GB expandable - extra if u need it;taking it to 48GB), 3.5 inch screen,GPS ,maps,wi-fi,5MP camera: you name it and it has gotten all. Nokia, unlike apple is not about skin deep beauty but sensible functionality. Only downside is going to be its steep price.Heck,but since when did an object of desire became cheap???

oh,yes it is a site.No, its no use accessing it from India. But if in the future it does become available thru out the world it could be the TV killer. you can watch sitcoms,movies and tons of user generated content on that site.Currently only the Americans can enjoy the show,but web being ubiquitous,its not far when we will too.

4.Large Hadron Collider

For once the tumultuous media is silent. For the media,which went on a overdrive saying that the end was near and a black hole was about to be created on the earth,nothing more could be better than the clamp down on the project to check out Higgs Boson. These are the hypothesized particles that would come into play when two protons travelling at the speed of light would collide.Why?? To unlock the secrets as to how the universe was made! That's why!Angels,Be afraid!Be very,very afraid.No secret is away from the reach of humans now.

The LHC, is a technological marvel. It runs below Switzerland and France ( CERN is the parent body) in 27 km long tunnel.Unfortunately it came online on 10th sep2008 and went offline on 19th due to overheating of some wire.It is supposed to come online again in mid year this year.Another chance for the end timers to cry hoarse!

5. Windows 7
Now if we are talking about technology then can Microsoft stay behind?Its vista os, though radical in departure from previous os's wasn't loved by the public much.Though it was a safer application than before,it was slower in loading despite having phenomenal resources(All that RAM).
Windows 7, is supposed to address the shortcomings of vista. Though the core of the OS will remain the same like vista,it is supposed to load faster.It will also be a multitouch OS;much like that of iphone( just to give u a picture).
Sidebar has been scrapped and the gadgets are there on the desktop itself. The user interface has been completly redesigned.Also support for various devices has been added. The mankind's future seems to be filled with a number of different devices that will need to interact with each other.MSW 7 seems to be a step in that direction. Some screen shots of the new OS now in beta stage..

Enough for today.Next time something about vedanta or Israel story part 2.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Bhai!! This is amazing... U simply Rock!!!